2022 Releases

November 2022 Updates

Document Updates

02/11/2022 Bare Trust - changed title of 'Declaration of Trust' to Bare Trust.

03/11/2022 Discretionary Trust (individual & corporate) - changes to formatting and wording for Primary Beneficiaries within the output document.

29/11/2022 Pension Documents - reviewed for interview formatting errors, input number and data elements fixed. Fixed rounding issues within number data.

30/11/2022 All Documents - further Q3 reviews completed on all documents including minor detail editing and revision of formatting to ensure optimal presentation and functionality.


Document Releases

17/11/2022  Security Deed [The Protector suite] - this new document has been added to the Protector suite. This deed is for all non-real estate assets such as motor vehicles, shares etc., that go into the Family Protection Trust within the Protector.