2024 Releases

May 2024 Updates


  • 02/05/2024 All Purposes Loan Agreement - Added Security Deed Customisation.
  • 02/02/2024 The LYD Will and EPOA, The LYD Will, and The Moat and Castle - Removed Federal in some clauses, made interview for Guardianship and Pet guardianship similar to Funeral wishes and other changes. 
  • 06/05/2024 The Successor Director Solution - Single Company plus Upgrade - Corrected the date to appear properly.
  • 06/05/2024 Superannuation Lump Sum Payments - Added decimal amount in the lump sum amount.
  • 07/05/2024 Division 7A Loan Agreement - Added Letter of Advice.
  • 07/05/2024 Crypto Discretionary Trust Deed - Updated Vacation of Office clause.
  • 07/05/2024 Discretionary Trust (Individual & Corporate) - At clause 7.1(b) - changed “Primary Beneficiary” to “Appointor” and at clause 7.7 - changed “Upon the registration” to “Upon the resignation”
    - Updated Vacation of the Office clause.
  • 07/05/2024 Discretionary Trust (Non-Foreign Person) - At clause 7.1(b) - changed “Primary Beneficiary” to “Appointor” and at clause 7.7 - changed “Upon the registration” to “Upon the resignation”
    - Updated Vacation of the Office clause.
    - Added Letter of Advice. 
  • 07/05/2024 Family Protection Trust (Individual & Corporate) - Updated Vacation of Office clause. 
  • 07/05/2024 Family Protection Trust (Non-Foreign Persons) - Updated Vacation of Office clause. 
    - Added Letter of Advice.
  • 07/05/2024 Leading Member Discretionary Trust (Individual & Corporate) - Updated Vacation of Office clause.
  • 07/05/2024 Leading Member Discretionary Trust (Non-Foreign Person) -  Updated Vacation of Office clause.
    - Added Letter of Advice. 
  • 07/05/2024 Deed of Vesting (Discretionary Trust) - Added Letter of Advice.
  • 07/05/2024 Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a Family Protection Trust - Updated Vacation of Office clause. 
  • 07/05/2024 Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a Family Protection Trust (Non-Foreign Person) - Updated Vacation of Office clause. 
    - Added Letter of Advice. 
  • 07/05/2024 Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a LightYear Docs Strategic Discretionary Trust - At clause 7.1(b) - Changed “Primary Beneficiary” to “Appointor” and at clause 7.7 - Changed “Upon the registration” to “Upon the resignation”
    - Updated Vacation of Office clause
  • 07/05/2024 Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a Non-Foreign Person Discretionary Trust - At clause 7.1(b) - Changed “Primary Beneficiary” to “Appointor” and at clause 7.7 - Changed “Upon the registration” to “Upon the resignation”
    - Updated Vacation of Office clause
    - Added Letter of Advice
  • 08/05/2024 SMSF Will - Fixed incorrect title of Act in Trustee Resolution and changed from to of in professional nomination address. 
    - Updated clause 8 in guidelines
  • 08/05/2024 The Moat and Castle - In SMSF Will, fixed incorrect title of Act in Trustee Resolution and changed from to of in professional nomination address. 
    - Updated clause 8 in guidelines
  • 08/05/2024 SMSF Will with Death Benefits Protection Trust - In SMSF Will, fixed incorrect title of Act in Trustee Resolution and changed from to of in professional nomination address. 
    - Updated clause 8 in guidelines
  • 08/05/2024 Discretionary Trust (Non-Foreign Person), Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a LightYear Docs Strategic Discretionary Trust and Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a Non-Foreign Person Discretionary Trust - Removed clause b in clause Deletion of Primary Beneficiaries
  • 09/05/2024 Company Establishment Documents  - In Indemnity Deed, made the signature in company style
  • 09/05/2024 Indemnity For Successor Director - In Indemnity Deed, made the signature in company style
  • 09/05/2024 LYD The Successor Director Solution – Single Company plus upgrade - In Indemnity Deed, made the signature in company style
  • 09/05/2024 LYD The Moat and Castle - In Indemnity Deed, made the signature in company style
  • 09/05/2024 LYD The Successor Director Solution - Multi Company plus upgrade - In Indemnity Deed, made the signature in company style
  • 13/05/2024 The Moat and Castle - Added Letter of Advice.
  • 13/05/2024 The Protector - Added Letter of Advice.
  • 13/05/2024 Discretionary Trust - (Individual & Corporate) and Discretionary Trust - (Non-Foreign Person) - Added new clause 8 Appointors – Role, Powers, Resignation, Replacement and Succession
  • 13/05/2024 Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a LightYear Docs Strategic Discretionary Trust and Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a Non-Foreign Person Discretionary Trust - Added new clause 8 Appointors – Role, Powers, Resignation, Replacement and Succession
  • 16/05/2024 Deed of Vesting SMSF -  Removed redundant 'The' before the name of SMSF in Recital
  • 16/05/2024 SMSF Deed of Variation - Added variation dates in resolution
  • 17/05/2024 Company Establishment Documents - Added Help for share amount ‘ASIC only allows up to 2 decimal places (example: 0.01)
  • 20/05/2024 Division 7A Loan Agreement - In Mortgage Deed, removed text after clause C in recital.
  • 20/05/2024 The LYD Will and EPOA, The LYD Will, and The Moat and Castle - In Wills, made the Pet Guardianship like the Child Guardianship.
  • 20/05/2024 Deed of Vesting (Discretionary Trust) and Deed of Vesting (Unit Trust) - Added general Letter of Advice.
  • 21/05/2024 Div7A Umbrella Loan Agreement - Added data element income year in dividend payment in Summary
  • 23/05/2024 The LYD Will and EPOA, The LYD Will and The Moat and Castle - Removed "the" in clause 5.1, change "survives" to "survive" and change "predeceases" to "predecease" in Specific gifts clause.
  • 24/05/2024 Division 7A Loan Agreement and Div7A Umbrella Loan Agreement  - Changed Loan Agreement to Loan Deed and other changes as per AM Team.
  • 24/05/2024 Discretionary Trust - (Individual & Corporate) and Discretionary Trust - (Non-Foreign Person) - Updated clause reference from clause 9 up because new clause 8 was recently added
  • 24/05/2024 Family Protection Trust - (Non-Foreign Person) - Added clause 7.8
  • 24/05/2024 Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a Family Protection Trust (Non-Foreign Person) - Added clause 7.8
  • 24/05/2024 Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a LightYear Docs Strategic Discretionary Trust and Upgrade of Discretionary Trust to a Non-Foreign Person Discretionary Trust - Update clause reference from clause 9 up because new clause 8 was recently added
  • 27/05/2024 Enduring Power of Attorney, The LYD Will and EPOA, and The Moat and Castle - Replaced Short with Long in footer of QLD Long form (EPOA)
  • 27/05/2024 Leading Member SMSF Establishment with EPOA - Replaced Short with Long in footer of QLD Long form (EPOA)
  • 27/05/2024 Change of Trustee for Discretionary Trust - Added leading member as option in ‘Does the trust have an appointor or principal?
  • 28/05/2024 The LYD Will and EPOA, The LYD Will, and The Moat and Castle - Removed ‘If’ in Specific Gifts clause in Will’s documents