SMSF & Trusts

I use a SMSF Trust Deed from an Alternative Provider. What is the Best Way to Switch to a LightYear Docs SMSF Trust Deed?

Step by step easy process

  1. The first thing is to determine whether your Deed can be upgraded or not. If you are unsure, we can assist with this process.
  2. Secondly you need to decide whether the upgrade or variation is to our Standard SMSF, (which includes all the major strategies) or our proprietary Leading Member SMSF (which provides control in a SMSF).  
  3. Once chosen, it takes only minutes to upgrade the Deed. 
  4. If you have a SMSF corporate trustee, you may want to upgrade the constitution to ensure it has all the benefits of the LightYear Docs strategies.  This can be done in a combined RPA pack to make life and advising simpler.

Please be advised this is general information only, and is not to be taken as legal advice. If you would like more information, or have a legal query, please contact Abbott & Mourly directly.
Reviewed: 17/01/2024