
Data Capture Form: Standard Company

Download a copy here: Standard Company - Client Data Capture Form

Standard Company - Client Data Capture Form

General Info
Proposed Company Name:    
Will the company be an ‘ultimate holding company’?:   
State/Territory of governance:    
Is the Proposed Company Name identical to an existing business? (If yes, was the business name registered before 28 May 2012?)
If yes, Business Number and State:    
If no, ABN:     

Registered Office
Full Address:    
Does the company occupy those premises? If no, please add in full address of occupancy:
Is the registered office address the same as the principal place of business? If no, please add in full address of principal place of business:

Company Associates: Director [add new data table per party]
Full Name:    
Former name (if any):    
Residential Address:     
Date of Birth:    
Place of Birth (Country, State, Suburb):    

Company Associates: Shareholder [add new data table per party]
Full Name:    
Former name (if any):    
Residential Address:    
For Company Shareholder, please answer below
Company Name:    
Registered Address:    
Name of the director signing on behalf of the company under section 127:    

Company Associates: Secretary [add new data table per party]
Full Name    
Former name (if any)    
Residential Address    
Date of Birth    
Place of Birth (Country, State, Suburb)    

Share Allocations [add new data table per shareholder]
Share Class:(ORD,A,B,C,D,RED,SPE)
Number of shares:    
Amount paid per share:    
Amount unpaid per share:    

Public Officer    
Constitution Date    
First Directors Meeting