Platform Training Videos

Company registration last part (How to make payment with ASIC)

This article will show you how to complete the interview with payment to ASIC and complete the document.

After answering the interview, follow these steps to submit to ASIC:

1. Click the 'Check Address' button above to validate the company and registered office addresses. Any errors will show as a red cross and should be fixed before proceeding.


If it comes back as red, you do need to go back in and fix it, however if you're set that it is correct, you can still proceed but its just a warning to say that it isn't quiet right. If you're getting an error upon submission due to the address, go back to the interview under Registration tab and tick the Manual Review with Supporting Reason - For address validation.

2. Once validated, click the 'Make payment to ASIC' button. You will then be redirected to the ASIC payment gateway to pay the associated registration fees and await your ACN. LightYear Docs does not take this payment.




3. Once payment is completed, you will get a pop-up message with the receipt number. Please be advised that ASIC does not issue invoices or receipts for company registration. The certificate of registration of the company or business name is the receipt as it meets requirements for ASIC fee as there is no GST and providers support. We do not issue an invoice for a fee that we have not collected as ASIC fee directs to ASIC.


4. It will take you back to the My Documents page - this is where all your documents are completed or ready to download. You will see the ASIC payment as paid and if the ASIC Status is not yet confirmed just refresh the page and it will update your ACN. You can also click on the paper icon to download your ACN certificate.

5. Update the constitution with the ACN in it. To do this, click on the 3 action buttons and re-launch document. It will bring up your document interview questions. Go down to the last page (Declaration and Privacy Statement). Head down to the last box and you will see your ACN has been populated. Make sure the ACN is in there and go to the final page. Then, press assemble to download your completed document.

NOTE: DO NOT press 'Assemble' until your ACN has been returned successfully and the ACN field on the previous page has been populated. 

6. You will see the document has now changed to 'completed'. You can click on the action button next to it and download the document as PDF and saved on your computer. 


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